The Alamo

I mentioned in a previous post that I went to see the Alamo.

The Alamo is in the heart of the city of San Antonio and many places tie right back to, including the Crockett Hotel, as seen above.

We got there and found ourselves to be in a very long line, so I took a few photos of the area.

There's a pretty little fountain in here and squirrels in the tree, if you can find them.

This was the facade of the large gift shop. It was packed with people, so I didn't get much of a chance to even look through it.

And here we have the Alamo itself.

For the story of this place, I'm recommending the article here.

It's an imposing structure, though not as tall as I had imagined.

They had asked people not to take pictures inside out of respect, so I have no shots of the interior.


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