Christmas Decor and Loot!

So, we had a Merry Christmas here in the Frozen North a few days late. I took some pictures of our at home celebration.

Our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. It looks even more pathetic when it and the table it sits on are surrounded by gifts. This was taken after we opened our family presents.

One of our bookcases is supporting the Twelve Days of Christmas stockings we got last year.

And of course, the loot! Er, gifts. I meant gifts.

We received and gifted to each other many wonderful books.

Up close shots.

I made sure to include the gifts we had received when we'd had an early Christmas at Thanksgiving, so they are in the shot as well.

And that's the last of it. Give a man power tools and all he wants to do a gaming table. I sure picked right!

My mother used to place all of the Christmas cards we got each year on the front hall closet door as part of the decorations. I ran out of tape and had a stack of the cards and realized...that piano looked awfully bare. So, I fixed it. They do liven up the living room, which has no Christmas decor whatsoever. All the rest of the Christmas stuff is in the parlor.


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