This is the personal blog of a married LDS (Mormon) woman. I am 33 years old and will be keeping this blog up to date with my crafting hobbies, day-to-day experiences, my religion, friends, and family.
I did something crazy today. I blame one of my favorite webcomics for it, actually, specifically, this page of it: The webcomic is Manly Guys Doing Manly Things and is one of the funniest comics I've ever read. It spoofs the most masculine characters in video/computer games and popular culture and is very cleverly written/drawn. And I admit, I adore buff guys. It's all Rosslyn's fault for introducing me to it, but I don't mind. Rosslyn read this page over my shoulder Monday evening and echoed the little girl, saying, "Why not?" In doing so she and the Commander's daughter unwittingly named the project: Manly Muffin Why-nots. Disclaimer: Please forgive the following photos; they were taken in a dimly lit kitchen at night with an uncooperative camera. Also, please forgive the excessive recipe cheats. I am a poor college student on a very limited budget. Now, I got a small pack of frozen strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries (blueberries weren...
Welcome to the first of my alphabet month challenge posts! Spousal Unit and I just celebrated our second anniversary at the beginning of February. We did so in our usual fashion: find a museum and a good restaurant and go! (As a note, we're running out of museums to go to.... we went to many while dating.) The destination we chose was the Utah Museum of Fine Art. We got there in the morning on a Saturday and they had a rather interesting exhibit on the use of text in art (collages with newspapers, using words artistically throughout a piece, etc). They even had a typewriter you could use and play around with words that others had already written. It had the standard amount of crass and thoughtful phrases on it. They also had many masking tape art displays: a mosaic and a ceiling display. Spousal Unit and I did have some issue with a tour. We did not join it, but I heard a tired old assumption about the lack of bathing habits of the Middle Ages (as in, they bathed once a ye...
Now that the holidays are over, I can finally show what I made for everyone! Well, all except three people. I still have to mail them their gifts. Without further ado, here we go! I had been holding onto these beads for my mother for nearly three years, trying to find complimentary ones so I could make her this. It's in her colors and goes with some of her pretty new clothes. I hope she feels as pretty as I know she is when she wears them. I made the matching cowl and hat for my sister, the lovely girl you see modeling them both in the last shot. I had too much fun giggling as I made the hat, and then improvised a matching design for the cowl. The button was the most adorable thing and I loved how multi-colored it was, without being too matchy matchy. This was actually the last one I completed, for Camilla. I made her a cowl out of a skein of that gorgeous but kinda slubby homespun yarn I got at an SCA event, and then the leftovers of the yarn from my first beret. She loves ...