Originally posted 3/21/12: This post will be a bit longer than the previous one, as knitting has caused me to churn out project after project with a speed I had not previously considered possible, especially with crochet. I will endeavor to be thorough. My friend Anki taught me to knit at the beginning of August 2011 (yes, that recently) in exchange for me teaching her how to crochet. She bought me a delightful pile of gifts, too. The Knitter's Handbook: Essential Skills and Helpful Hints from Knitter's Magazine, darning needles, a needle size gauge, twelve cards for tablet weaving (AWESOME), two sets of stitch markers (so. bleeding. useful.), and then the bandanna it all came wrapped in. We then trooped down to the awesomest yarn store ever and selected the needles and yarn for my first project, a simple beret, using this pattern . I fell in love with the Classic Shades yarn in Wine, a machine washable yarn (still haven't tested this,...