
So, after getting the news of my job being phased out, I get hit with a massive cold. I did miss work, but it was either that or infect the office and feel worse all the time. I managed to only attend one class out of four, but all my work was completed on time. I feel much better today, though.

The owners of my job have begun to waffle back and forth on phasing out my position. Now, I would love not to go anywhere. But I don't like limbo. I've already applied to multiple places. I haven't heard back, but that's ok. I've been sick. I'm not exactly looking and feeling my best for potential interviews.

I also wish I had more time to craft, specifically sew. I want to make myself some clothes and other things but there's little point in me trying when I don't have the time to complete anything. I have a lot of fabric and I want to get rid of it and have more wearable clothing in a style I like.


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