New Year's Resolutions

So, I was looking over my list of goals for the year that I made in January 2011, in preparation for choosing new ones. It looks more like this now:

1. Move to the frozen north.
2. Get a job.
3. Get into school and work on degree.
4. File taxes.
5. Pay bills on time.
6. Pay off debts.
-Currently focusing on car loan, then one of my school loans not in deferment so I can get my transcripts and knock some money and months off getting my degree. After that, I will look at my last big bill and see what I can do about it. One at a time is all I've discovered I'm able to do.
7. Move to better housing.

So, for the most part...I've done really well! After much reflection, here are my new goals this year:

1. Continue to work on paying off debts. The strict Pay off Debts goal last year was a teensy unrealistic for a one year goal.
*Get car loan moved to credit union by the end of January.
*Create budget that allows a small savings and debt reduction plan by the end of This Week.
2. Get healthier: cleaning up my diet and exercising. My sedentary job has ruined the progress I made at the beginning of last year.
3. Take a self-defense and/or dance class (several is good).
*Have first class lined up by the end of February.
4. Keep my grades at their current 4.0 level. Stay on the Dean's list.
5. Work on getting scholarships once a week by March.
6. Go to the temple more often: currently striving for twice a month.
7. Be more social.
*Get out more and do activities with my ward and friends more often.

I learned a lot doing this. This past year was the first time I had made realistic goals and kept them all. So I am going to continue to do so.


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