My Christmas

I know, I didn't post what really happened yet, so here it all is. I described the first half of my Christmas trip in my Christmas Eve post. The next day, my sister went to work, and my mother and brother and I went Christmas shopping. I had finished my gifts for everyone, so I thought I would just be along for the ride. Boy, was I mistaken.

We started at Kohl's (amazing deals and pretty outfits) and suddenly I was trying on blouses and dresses and skirts and wow...My mother and I giggled about the gifts we were getting for my sister and our friends, and in general had a lovely time. So yes, I did know what I was getting from her, but this way we knew it fit and I liked it.

Our Christmas tree this year had an angel theme. It was beautiful, but resisted attempts at pictures, so I waited for the faeries to play with the lights and then snapped this.

My brother and sister behind him. So handsome and pretty. I'm so lucky to have them in my life. Christmas morning we all got dolled up and went to church for Sacrament meeting. It was lovely seeing everyone in my home ward, all the adults who supported me through the years, and my voice teacher and her son, whom I've had a crush on since I was 14. I dunno if he's ever seen me as anything but a kid, though, one who squawked and screeched in voice lessons before she could produce a viable pretty sound.

These are my Christmas gifts, minus a three pairs of socks (they are awesome socks, too).

For Christmas breakfast we went to my surrogate parents' house for abelskeivers and sausage, and they had a white elephant gift exchange. And that is why I now own the blue Snuggie at the top of the photo. They also gave me Kohl's gift cards. Mwahahahahaha. My aunt and cousins got me the lovely leather purse, brown wallet, and earrings, as well as a Starbucks gift card. My mother gave me the driving crochet gloves as they didn't fit her and I liked them.

My brother got me Season 4 of NCIS and my sister bought me a memory: The Secret Garden. My father shipped me a present, the iPod shuffle you see there. It's so useful! I love being able to carry my music around  in a non-bulky way. Mom also gave me a Jamba Juice gift card she didn't want (I made out like a bandit accepting things others didn't want or need this year). My friends from here in the frozen north got me some knitting supplies: 000 size needles and silk merino lace weight yarn from Camilla, and Rosslyn made me stitch markers and a magnetic bracelet to wear them on.

And these are the clothes I chose from my mother: a black knit skirt that goes all the way down to the floor (I want fifteen of these), and three lovely new blouses, as my work blouses are wearing out.

We spent most of Christmas Day chilling after the presents. We watched John Wayne movies and talked and enjoyed each other's company. The next day was much the same, and then they took me to the airport and I flew back to the land of ice and snow. I'm telling you, you can keep your white Christmases. I want palm tree weather and sunshine for Christmas, and above all, family.


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