Grandma Sugars' 80th Birthday!

My Grandma Sugars turns 80 this year, so our family threw her a party. The first couple days Spousal Unit and I hung out with my mom and brother.

First dinner was at Garduno's, a really good Mexican restaurant. So good.

The next day we all had a big dinner at Red Lobster with Betsy and Chuck, as well as my sister's boyfriend.

And then the birthday party was Saturday!!

Doesn't my Grandma Sugars look fabulous?!

This is my favorite picture from the whole trip.

I love my mom.

Grandma Sugars with all her kids!

Uncle Rick's family.

Uncle Darrel's family.

Uncle Gary's family.

And I don't have a shot of our family photo because I was in it.

She can't have salt much anymore (we nearly lost her last August), so we got her salt-free seasonings so she can still have flavorful food.

The final day Spousal Unit and I were in CA, we all went to breakfast at a pub in honor of Tara, who couldn't make it.


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