Fantasy Con 2014

I was given an opportunity to enjoy the fun at Fantasy Con in Salt Lake City this year, so I had some fun there! I went to three panels: Dwarves! and a Villains panel and then the estimable Doug Jones' panel! After the panels, I ran about the vendor hall and had some more fun there, so enjoy the pic spam!

They had this amazing fountain of a dragon and warrior fighting.

Stuff for the kiddos!

This guy had fun scaring people.

And he was freaking huge.

My friend Douglas was also there and we hung out for most of the day. Here he is, barrel-riding.

And I couldn't help but giggle when it was my turn.

There were some truly amazing shows of craftsmanship.

I wanted to steal the ballista.

Our local SCA was there as well having a free for all.

I'm still not sure what they were doing.

Very cool dragon.

But he was totally upstaged by this one.

I got to meet Doug Jones! I really can't explain how awesome he is. His panel was so funny and I went to get his autograph after. I told him how I appreciated him playing my favorite characters... as well as the characters that terrified me the most. He was extremely fun to chat with. When I thanked him for inspiring my favorite band, Steam Powered Giraffe, he stopped and just said, "I love them!" He proceeded to tell me a story about how he met them at San Diego Comic Con a few years back and then looked them up that weekend and found himself in shock at how awesome they are. Then he took this picture with me, pet my hair and squeezed my cheeks (he's very handsy). He was the highlight of my whole day and I still get the warm fuzzies. (Funny note, we tease my husband about being tall and skinny, but my husband has at least 30 lbs on Doug Jones.)

It's not Fantasy Con without a castle.


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