Resolution Updates 2012

Doing a checkup on where I am that may or may not become monthly.

1. Continue to work on paying off debts. The strict Pay off Debts goal last year was a teensy unrealistic for a one year goal.
*Get car loan moved to credit union by the end of January.
       ~I went to my bank and discovered that it is cheaper for me to keep my loan where it is, so this goal is completed.
*Create budget that allows a small savings and debt reduction plan by the end of This Week.
       ~I admit, I hadn't done this one and then my job changed. So I don't know what I'll be making week to week.
2. Get healthier: cleaning up my diet and exercising. My sedentary job has ruined the progress I made at the beginning of last year.
       ~I've done a few things, but largely I haven't been successful, though my work in the restaurant downstairs is helping me get more exercise.
3. Take a self-defense and/or dance class (several is good).
*Have first class lined up by the end of February.
       ~I am not sure I'll be able to afford a class this soon.
4. Keep my grades at their current 4.0 level. Stay on the Dean's list.
       ~As of right now, still a success, but I have many more classes to go.
5. Work on getting scholarships once a week by March.
       ~Done some research but I need to file my taxes so I can do my FAFSA for this coming year. Currently waiting on my last W2 before I can file.
6. Go to the temple more often: currently striving for twice a month.
       ~Hasn't happened, but there is a temple night this Tuesday. Last time I was left there by my ward members without a ride. I'm driving myself this time. ^_~
7. Be more social.
*Get out more and do activities with my ward and friends more often.
       ~I have been getting out with my friends more often, but I need to do more with my ward.
8. Find profitable work that can improve my life, not just allow me to get by.*
*added this one
       ~I've applied to multiple places with no luck, given my school career services my resume to rip apart and make better, and seen the career services counselor. He's introduced me to the idea of working for myself under Primerica as a financial planner. As this is somewhat in line with what I've wanted to do, I went to a meeting. It was fun and I get good feelings there so far. But I have some reservations, so I might go and talk to him. I don't think I have the time to invest in the kind of work they do, so it might need to wait and I might need a regular job, much as I am tired of my chain being yanked around.


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