Knitwear Pirates
Normally, I do things and post about them later, but I'm somewhat excited for this one. I was visiting one of my favorite blogs, Yarn Harlot , and the most recent post had an ending that caught my eye. This year's Sock Camp would have a t-shirt design contest, and the theme this year is pirates. I had a sudden vision in my head. Now, I can enter even if I am not going (and odds are good I won't have $1000 extra in April to go with), and still win, so I sketched out my plan. So far, it matches my vision, but it's merely stick figure blocks and a vague hinted background. But the poses are working out, and I'm deciding on the diversity I want. Being a knitting event, one of the four figures will be an awesome older lady, then a young one, then a man, and I'm not sure on the fourth. Maybe a kid? That'd be cool. All of course decked in pirate/knit gear. I might simplify it though. It does need to go on a shirt. But, I only have until March 10th to turn it in...