I seem to be long overdue for a blog post about this year's Halloween. I worked the opening shift that day, so I was able to come home and prepare for our small get-together that day.

I dressed up for work in a costume I'd put together myself last year for ComiCon, a steampunk Victorian-esque outfit. I didn't wear the usual corset with it, as I hadn't been feeling too good at the time, due to that silly cold I mentioned previously. To make it more
Halloween-y, I wore my fangs.

Our friends came slowly from their various commitments and we watched old Bela Lugoisi movies, Hocus Pocus, and Interview with a Vampire. Our house was decorated rather awesomely though. I don't have any shots of the outside, save one, but the inside looked neat. We have a medieval dining room, so a few embellishments went a long way, just adding candles and dim lighting and some autumn leaves, removing the tablecloth to reveal the rather beautiful wood of the table. It all worked wonderfully.

I (mostly) passed out the candy, but we bought way too much for the amount of trick-or-treaters we got. We had a cauldron full of candy and never had to refill it. Oh well, more for us! Let's hope I don't break out too much. Heh, it's all the good candy too, since I will only pass out candy I'd eat, since left-overs get
to be Rosslyn's and mine anyways. I think the boys who came over ate more than I passed out anyway. The candy has since been hidden, though not well enough from us. ^^; All in all, it was a nice, low key gathering and we had some fun times and good food. Ambiance, my friends. It's all about the ambiance. I have had weird dreams ever since, though. Nothing too freaky, however.

There was some minor drama that occurred, mostly because our lease operates on BYU housing rules (no guys over after midnight most nights, no men in the bedrooms, and no single male or female left alone in a room) , mostly for our benefit and I find no problems with living to that standard so far away from BYU. It was partly our idea anyway. But, some friends of ours recently got together and kept being alone, even so far as going to the garage. Now, they were just talking, but our rules state how things like that need to be handled. But, Rosslyn is not a good choice to being the one to handle them. They seemed to feel she was trying to be their parent and not letting them be the adults they are, as she does take that tone with people at times.

The problem is, it probably seems to them that we're making up weird rules on the spot, but this kind of thing has never been an issue before, so we've never felt the need to mention them. I've talked it over with the guy in the couple and he seems to understand, but we'll see. We want to create an environment where everyone can feel comfortable and safe, and so far I feel we've done a good job. People moving off to be on their own in different parts of the house, especially without telling us why or where, don't really lend to that feeling. I guess I can only hope they'll either get over it or settle things with Rosslyn.

Meanwhile! I have finally started my TROS campaign and it was hilarious! I have such wonderful friends and they are all such wonderful roleplayers. They were acting out their parts brilliantly and I can only hope to have good enough plot to keep them enjoying themselves for the next few months. I started some plot, but mostly I'm letting them create plot on their own. The campaign is based in Stahl (for those who know TROS, if not, I recommend you look up trosfans.com) and the stiff, hardy people are so easy to poke at, with a rapier, in the case of one player. ROFLMAO.


Redoubt said…
Hilarious roleplay is the best roleplay.

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