Have you ever been so happy you felt your heart would burst as tears of joy flowed down your face? I had the most beautiful day at church. I sang The Lord is my Light and had the ward sing the chorus with me. It was sudden inspiration. Then our lesson in Relief Society was about goals and the girl who taught the class sounded as though she was speaking to me personally.

I've been putting off going back to school for a myriad of reasons the last few years, the main one being that I couldn't afford to do so, as my last semester at BYU had dropped my grades down too low to qualify for financial aid. But now, since I'm working many hours, I'm putting money away and saving it so I can at least attend some community college courses come January. No more excuses! While I have learned a lot the last three years, it's time I learned more in a different setting.

I'm ready.

A few things that have hit me hard and gotten me feeling revved up and ready to act have been the concept of helping a butterfly from a cocoon. If you do so, they are not strong enough to fly and they die. The fight with the cocoon forces the fluids to flow into their wings, giving them the strength to fly and survive. Perhaps these last few years were me fighting with my cocoon, so to speak. I needed to learn to stand on my own two feet, without help from anyone else, so that I could be ready to fly.

"Life is to be enjoyed, not simply endured."
- President Gordon B. Hinkley

"That which we persist in doing becomes easy to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed, but our power to do has increased."
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

And then this thought is something that impressed me over a year ago. I found it in my sketchbook from then a couple weeks ago.

"The woman I hope to be will not allow the girl I am to rob the children I hope to have of the birthright of the Lord."

I wish I knew who said that.


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