Spousal Unit and I went to Great Western War this year, camping with The Company of St. Martin again, our good friends. You can see our restored tent on the right of the picture below. Somehow the first sunset of every war is always beautiful and perfect over the lake. We discovered that the geese that had plagued us every year--Christmas and Thanksgiving--had passed on due to coyotes and had ourselves a good cheer. These geese would enter our camps and tents, steal food, and generally be ill-tempered beasts. They aren't missed by me. The second evening we were there is when most people were at the encampment and almost completely set up. We spent the first days attending classes, wandering Merchant's Row, and volunteering to help the staff. Spousal Unit and I worked the troll at the front gate for a few hours one afternoon. A special evening at Merchant's Row was spent at my favorite booth: Open Arms Bardic Hall, run by this lovely Lady Belleset a...