Christmas 2014 Was... Interesting...

Spousal Unit and I traveled down to California to visit my family this past Christmas for a week of vacation. We were excited to see them and had presents--everything was set up just fine! We got to attend the family Christmas Eve party at my aunt's house and the Spousal Unit got to meet my cousins' children. Passing out the presents! My mom and grandma getting blurry shots--they were on their feet a lot during the party. But, Spousal Unit held still for me, though! And then he stole the camera! So hi, that's me! Now, Christmas day was lovely and had no photos--we had breakfast at our family friends' home, did a white elephant gift exchange there, and then came home and opened all of our presents (we did it late because my sister had to work the morning). My sister's boyfriend joined us for this and I enjoyed getting to know him better. After that, we all went to my aunt's home (other side of the family) and had Christm...